UPSSSC – PET “Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission – Preliminary Eligibility Test”

UPSSSC-PET NotificationUPSSSC has announced the dates of PET(Preliminary Eligibility Test).The exams are scheduled on 20th August 2021 This examination will be conducted in two shifts.
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection commission(UPSSSC) is a government body responsible for the recruitment of Group B and C posts.Ever year UPSSSC used to conduct multiple examinations to recruit thousands of aspirants.But from 2021 UPSSSC has decided to conduct a qualifying examination called PET(Preliminary Examination Test). This examination will be qualifying in nature.
UPSSSC PET Exam Date 2021
Start of Online Application | 25/05/2021 |
Last date of applying | 21/06/2021 |
Last date of Fee Payment | 25/06/2021 |
Exam Dates | 20/08/2021 |
Result | September 2021 |
Vacancy 2021
UPSSSC is expected to recruit around 50,000 aspirants
- Minimum Age : 18 Years
- Maximum Age : 40 Years
- Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules
Minimum Class 10 High School Exam in Any Recognized Board OR Any Higher Qualification in Any Recognized University in India.
S.No | Subjects | Marks allocated | Duration |
1 | Indian History | 05 | |
2 | Indian National Movement | 05 | |
3 | Geography | 05 | |
4 | Indian Economy | 05 | |
5 | Indian Constitution and Public Administration | 05 | |
6 | General Science | 05 | |
7 | Elementary Arithmetic | 05 | |
8 | General Hindi | 05 | |
9 | General English | 05 | |
10 | Logic and Reasoning | 05 | |
11 | Current Affairs | 10 | |
12 | General Awareness | 10 | |
13 | Analysis of Hindi Unseen Passage-2 Passage | 10 | |
14 | Graphs -2 Graphical Question | 10 | |
15 | Table Interpretation and analysis | 10 | |
Total | 100 | 2 Hours |
- Negative Marking of 0.25 mark
Exam Pattern
UPSSSC PET Exam Pattern
S.No | Subjects | Marks allocated | Duration |
1 | Indian History | 05 | |
2 | Indian National Movement | 05 | |
3 | Geography | 05 | |
4 | Indian Economy | 05 | |
5 | Indian Constitution and Public Administration | 05 | |
6 | General Science | 05 | |
7 | Elementary Arithmetic | 05 | |
8 | General Hindi | 05 | |
9 | General English | 05 | |
10 | Logic and Reasoning | 05 | |
11 | Current Affairs | 10 | |
12 | General Awareness | 10 | |
13 | Analysis of Hindi Unseen Passage-2 Passage | 10 | |
14 | Graphs -2 Graphical Question | 10 | |
15 | Table Interpretation and analysis | 10 | |
Total | 100 | 2 Hours |
- Negative Marking of 0.25 mark
Syllabus of UPSSSC
1) Logical Reasoning (5 Marks)
Order & Ranking
Blood Relations
Calendar & Watch
Coding-Decoding – Numbers and Letters
Cause & Effect
Conclusive Reasoning
Large & Small
Negative Reasoning – Statement
Analysis and Decision
2)General Awareness (10 Marks)
- India’s Neighbors
- Countries, Capitals and Currencies
- Indian States & UTs
- Indian Parliament
- National and International Days and their Importance
- World Organization and Headquarters
- Indian Tourism Destination
- Indian Art & Culture
- Indian & International Sports
- Indian Research Institutes
- Books and Authors
- Awards and Honors
- Climate Change and Environment
3)General Hindi (5+10 Marks)
संधि, विलोम, शब्द पर्यायवाची, शब्द वाक्यांशो के लिए एक शब्द, लिंग, भिन्नार्थक शब्द, मुहावरे-लोकोक्तियाँ, सामान्य अशुद्धियां, लेखक और रचनाएँ (गद्य एवं पद्य)
अपठित हिंदी गद्यांश का विवेचन एवं विश्लेषण
4)General English (5 Marks)
- English Grammar
- Questions on Passage
5)General Science (5 Marks)
- Basic Physics
- Basic Chemistry
- Basic Biology
6)Current Affairs (10 Marks)
- National Current Affairs
- International Current Affairs
7)Indian History & (5+5 Marks) National Movement
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Buddhism
- Vedic Culture
- Jainism
- Gupta Dynasty
- Maurya Dynasty
- Harshvardhan
- Rajput period
- Sultanate period
- Mughal Empire
- Legislative Amendment and the British India Act, 1935
- Maratha
- Quit India Movement
- The Rise of British Raj and first freedom struggle
- Social and Economic Impact of the British Raj
- The early years of the Independence Movement
- Swadeshi and Civil Disobedience Movement
- Revolutionary Movement and the Rise of Extremism
8)Geography (5 Marks)
- Political Geography of India and the World
- Climate and Weather
- Time Zone
- Population Change and Migration
- Physical Geography of India and the World: River and its Valleys, Groundwater resources, Desert and dry areas, Mountains and glaciers, and Mineral resources
9)Indian Economy (5 Marks)
- Economic reforms in 1991 and the economy thereafter
- Post-2014 economic reforms: Agricultural reforms, Structural reforms, Labor reforms, Financial improvement, and GST
- Indian Economy form 1947 to 1991: Planning commission and five-year plans, Green revolution, Development of mixed economy: private and public sector, Milk development and operation flood, Nationalization and reforms of banks
10)Indian Constitution & Public Administration (5 Marks)
- Indian Constitution: Salient features of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, Parliamentary system, Federal system, Union, and Union Territories, and Union State Relations, Judicial Structure, Supreme Court, High Court
- District Administration
- Local Bodies and Panchayati Raj Institutions
11)Elementary Arithmetic (5 + 10 + 10 Marks)
- Whole Numbers, Fractions and Decimals
- Simple Arithmetic Equations
- Percentage
- Exponent and Powers
- Square and Square Roots
- Average
- DI- Graph
- Tabular DI